Curated & One of a Kinddelight
In an age where products are commercially made, we try to work closely with artisans and cottage industries to source one-of-a-kind gifts. They may not be as perfect as machine-made mass-produced counterparts, but they carry the heart and soul of the artisan’s giving each piece its own distinct character.

Paper Mache Craft made for Lavand by the Sakhta Makers( family communities whose craft has been handed down generations and whose ancestry dates back to ancient Persia) Using ancient techniques , the fine intricate paintings are achieved using cat hair paint brushes. From start to finish it takes over 3 months to create these beauties.

My Dad. So grateful to have him as a travelling partner when sourcing new packaging.

Buying our glass & metal lanterns from this vey cool matching father & son duo since 2014

Dinesh and his family produce amazing durable jute bags. It was great replacing plastic bags with these eco conscious alternatives.

Pretty little trinkets from the